Brands In Need of TikTok Growth - EcommAnalyze

Brands In Need of TikTok Growth

An optimized lead list of 3,898 ecomm companies and verified contact information for 6,587 contacts.
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How We Made This List

We took all the brands that had at least 1000 followers on Instagram but a TikTok page that wasn't performing well. This means they had less than an average of 1000 views per TikTok.

All of these brands are making at least $5,000 per month.

  • Estimated Revenue: $5,000+
  • Have a TikTok page (Not performing well) - Less than average 1000 views per video.
  • Have an Instagram page with at least 1000 followers.
‐ Jack
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That's all for now... hope the rest of your is fantastic! 😊