Range Leather Co - rangeleather.com Analysis | EcommAnalyze
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Quality leather goods handcrafted in Wyoming from full grain Horween Leather. Leather totes, dopp kits, wallets, journals, leather patch hats, custom leather patch hats and more. Lifetime construct... Expand
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Web Traffic
rangeleather.com receives 7,667 visits per month. Their primary traffic sources are Search (58.1%), Direct (23.02%) and Social (14.93%). Their secondary traffic sources are Ads (3.95%).

Technology Stack

What is Range Leather Co using on their ecommerce website? They use technologies such as Facebook Pixel, Klaviyo, and Shop Pay.

Below you'll find all the apps, integrations, and marketing stack that were detected on rangeleather.com.
Email & SMS Marketing
Klaviyo, a marketing automation platform that automates SMS and email marketing to help businesse... Expand
Attentive is the most comprehensive personalized text messaging solution. 99% open rates, 30%+ cl... Expand
Pixels & Retargeting
FB & Instagram
Conversion Rate Optimization

Contact Information

Tim anto
COO at Range Leather. Media buyer turned DTC operator. Family man.
Sophie timak
Leather Crafter at Range Leather
Kyle estrok
Follower of Christ | Range Leather CEO | Roaster of Good Coffee
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