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Web Traffic receives 68,818 visits per month.
Their primary traffic sources are Search (49.55%), Direct (23.59%) and Social (19.88%). Their secondary traffic sources are Referral (4.54%) and Ads (2.45%).
Technology Stack
What is Inamorata using on their ecommerce website? They use technologies such as Klaviyo, Foursixty, and Apple Pay.
Below you'll find all the apps, integrations, and marketing stack that were
detected on
Official: LoyaltyLion is an ecommerce customer loyalty and engagement platform, powering growth a... Expand
Official: LoyaltyLion is an ecommerce customer loyalty and engagement platform, powering growth and retention through data-driven loyalty programs. Book a demo today!
Turn your Instagram, UGC, and ambassador content into shoppable galleries for your online store, ... Expand
Turn your Instagram, UGC, and ambassador content into shoppable galleries for your online store, email campaigns, and other channels. Auto publish directly to Instagram, secure rights to UGC,. track influencers and more. Start a 21-day FREE TRIAL.